Solidarietà internazionale per lo sciopero del Pubblico Impiego USB del 17 novembre

Nazionale -

Seguono le manifestazioni di solidarietà internazionali arrivate alla nostra organizzazione sindacale per lo sciopero generale de3l Pubblico Impiego di Venerdì 17:00

WFTU TUI PS. Solidarity with the strike of USB on November 17

The TUI PS Europe of WFTU expresses its support and solidarity with USB of Italy for the general strike of Public sector on November 17.

According to the USB announcement, they called a general strike on November 17, 2023 with the aim of tackling the real problems that afflict the Public Administration, first and foremost the failure to renew contracts and the stabilization of precarious workers, and in response to the communication campaign promoted by the Minister for Public Administration, who has emphasized how "cool" it is to work in the P.A.

Dear colleagues,

In all European countries the governments' attack on workers is intensifying. No one can remain a spectator when the privatization of key public sectors is being promoted, when flexible forms of employment and dismissals are increasing. On the contrary, the workers continue to fight against privatization and dismissals, to demand and assert the recruitment of permanent staff, wage increases.

The TUI PS Europe of the WFTU addresses a call to all trade union organizations of public sector in Europe to express their support and solidarity with the strike of USB on November 17, for wage increases of EUR 300 net per month in the pay packet, the stabilization of precarious workers and the hiring of 1 million permanent workers.

Μilitant Greetings WFTU TUI PS of Europe


PASYEK PEO Cyprus Message of Solidarity with Italy's USB strike November 17, 2023.

PASYEK PEO expresses its solidarity with USB Italy for the general strike it is holding in the public sector on November 17th.

The general strike is taking place with the aim of addressing the real problems afflicting the Public Administration, first and foremost the non-renewal of collective agreements and the stabilization of precarious workers.

In all European countries, attacks on workers' rights are intensifying, privatisation of key public sectors is being promoted, flexible forms of employment and redundancies are increasing. On the contrary, workers continue to fight against privatizations and layoffs, to demand the hiring of permanent staff, wage increases.  

In this critical period when capitalist crises follow one another, inflation and high prices are eroding the living standards of workers and social inequalities are intensifying, those who reap the profits are recklessly accumulating wealth.

We face similar problems in Cyprus where we fight for collective agreements, wage increases, staffing and investments in the public sector. 

We support your just demands and wish success in the strike on the 17th of November.



STAL saluta la vostra lotta per migliorare le condizioni di vita e di lavoro, che si concluderà il 17 novembre con uno sciopero, nella certezza che sarà un successo grazie alla grande partecipazione, al fatto che metterà in evidenza le giuste richieste dei lavoratori e all'impatto che avrà sulla richiesta di un cambiamento delle politiche per il vostro Paese.

Sappiamo che state affrontando una situazione economica e sociale molto difficile, con il continuo e brutale deterioramento dei salari e delle pensioni, l'attacco ai servizi pubblici, alla protezione sociale, alla contrattazione collettiva e ai diritti.

In un'Europa in cui continuano a prevalere gli interessi dei più forti e in un mondo in cui le crescenti disuguaglianze alimentano l'ascesa del fascismo, dell'intolleranza e della violenza, è essenziale rafforzare la lotta per la valorizzazione del lavoro, per salari e pensioni migliori, per servizi pubblici di qualità per tutti, per la giustizia sociale e per la pace.

Contate sul nostro sostegno e sulla nostra solidarietà!

La Direzione Nazionale dello STAL

Lisbona, 15 novembre 2023