The WFTU in solidarity with the working class of Italy ahead of the Public Sector Strike on November 20th, 2015 (copia 1)

The World Federation of Trade Unions representing currently 92 million workers in 126 countries conveys its fraternal salutation and extends its solidarity to the working class of Italy which organizes a Strike in the Public Sector on 20 November 2015.

The WFTU supports its affiliate, the Unione Sindacale di Base (USB) joins its voice with the workers in Italy demanding their fair rights against the onslaught of the anti-labor policy of the European Union and its Governments which attacks with the same brutality the workers either in the public or the private sector.

The working class in each country organized in its militant, class-oriented and democratic trade unions, with internationalist solidarity and in social alliance with the poor farmers, self-employed, youth and women movement has the power to overthrow this policy and open the way for the alternative in favor of the people, a world without exploitation and capitalist barbarity, a world of prosperity and peace.